In the event that you are not satisfied with your purchase within the first 30-days, you may return or exchange it provided the item is in new condition, not previously hung or altered from its original condition and is shipped in its original retail packaging. We will issue a refund minus the shipping cost once we have received the item and it is inspected. In the event the item has been hung or installed we reserve the right to deduct a minimum 25% restocking fee as we cannot sell the item as new. You will need to provide shipping to our location.

In the unlikely event that a fan, light, switch or accessory is defective, we will exchange the item for the same product paying for the shipping cost to you and the shipping cost for the return of the defective product to us so that we can review the product.

Please ship all returns after receiving a Return Authorization to:

Tropical Fan Company
13110 S. Dixie Hwy
Miami, FL 33156

When returning the item, please insure it for the original retail price.

Send any requests for a return or exchange, and the reason for it to, or give us a call at 1-877-921-323267, or 305-259-5585 if you are outside the US.
13110 South Dixie Hwy
Miami, FL 33156